Embracing Creative Resistance: Starting a Visual Artist's Journey

Embracing Creative Resistance: Starting a Visual Artist's Journey

by Victor Charade 


As a visual artist just starting out on my professional creative path, the journey is often filled with both excitement and trepidation. The creative process, which should be a source of joy and fulfillment, can sometimes be stifled by a formidable adversary known as creative resistance. Special thanks to Steven Pressfield for calling out this destructive force in his must have book The War of Art. This blog delves into the challenges and hopes that an emerging artist may encounter while facing creative resistance and explores ways to triumph over it.


Understanding Creative Resistance
Creative resistance is that inner force which seems to conspire against an artist's progress, stalling inspiration and leading to self-doubt. It is a natural part of the artistic journey, arising from various sources, such as fear of failure, external pressures, or even the daunting expectations of entering the art world. For a visual artist just starting out, creative resistance can manifest itself in multiple ways.


Challenges Facing the Emerging Artist
  1. Self-doubt: As an emerging artist, it's common to question one's artistic abilities and worthiness in the highly competitive art world.
  2. Financial Struggles: Balancing the need to create art with the practicality of earning a living can be a significant challenge, often leading to compromises in artistic pursuits.
  3. Fear of Rejection: The fear of rejection can hinder artists from putting their work out there, which is essential for growth and recognition.
  4. Finding an Artistic Voice: Discovering a unique artistic voice in a sea of influences can be overwhelming and lead to a lack of clarity in the artist's work.
  5. Navigating the Art Market: The complexities of the art market can be bewildering for an artist just starting out, leaving them unsure of how to price and promote their work.


Hopes on the Horizon
Despite these challenges, every emerging artist holds onto dreams and hopes, for it is through these aspirations that the creative spirit remains resilient. Here are some of the hopes that an artist embraces while battling creative resistance:
  1. Authentic Expression: The desire to create art that genuinely reflects their innermost thoughts, emotions, and visions drives artists to persevere through the resistance.
  2. Meaningful Connections: Emerging artists hope to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, or patrons who appreciate and support their artistic journey.
  3. Growth and Improvement: The hope for continuous growth as an artist pushes them to break through creative barriers and evolve their craft.
  4. Recognition and Validation: The yearning for recognition and validation inspires artists to share their work despite the fear of rejection, seeking acknowledgment from the art community.
  5. Impact and Inspiration: Artists aspire to make a difference through their art, sparking emotions, discussions, and evoking change in the hearts of their audience.


Triumphing Over Creative Resistance
  1. Embrace Vulnerability: Acknowledge that creative resistance is part of the artistic journey. Embrace vulnerability and use it as a source of strength, knowing that it's okay to face challenges.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down artistic goals into achievable milestones, allowing yourself to celebrate progress and learn from setbacks.
  3. Join Art Communities: Engage with fellow artists and art communities, both online and offline. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be empowering.
  4. Experiment and Play: Give yourself permission to experiment with new techniques, styles, and materials. Allow yourself the freedom to play and discover your artistic voice.
  5. Seek Feedback: Be open to constructive criticism and seek feedback from mentors or peers. Honest assessments can lead to valuable insights for improvement.
  6. Stay Curious: Cultivate a sense of curiosity and openness to explore new artistic concepts and ideas. Inspiration can be found in unexpected places.


In conclusion, as a visual artist just starting out, creative resistance is a challenge that should be acknowledged, not feared. By understanding its existence and adopting strategies to overcome it, emerging artists can continue to hold onto their hopes and dreams. Embrace the journey, nurture the creative spirit, and remember that each hurdle crossed is a step closer to realizing the boundless potential of your artistic expression. The resistance nearly shut me down completely several times in the creation of my website www.victorcharade.com, but I slayed the dragon and now I have crossed the threshold. Fuck resistance.
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